Product Information:
MatchKing. Since its introduction several years ago, the 107 grain HPBT MatchKing bullet #1570 has been used successfully in a variety of competitive disciplines. It has set new records and won national championships in such diverse competitions as National Match High Power and Silhouette. These competitions all have at least one requirement in common: extreme accuracy at long range. Although they are recognized around the world for record-setting accuracy, MatchKing bullets are not recommended for hunting. Widely favored for their extreme accuracy, these bullets have been used for short-range varminting. Having heavier jackets, they will not provide the explosive expansion of the lightly jacketed Hornet or Blitz bullets at equivalent velocities in small varmints. If used for varmint shooting, ranges should be kept short to ensure precise shot placement. Please Note!! This bullet requires a 1x7" to 1x8" twist barrel.
Sierra 6mm 107gr Hollow Point Boat Tail
- Product Code: S1570
Tags: Sierra Projectiles